Tuesday, February 3, 2009

YOU ROCK...now we make gravel...

Hey, just a happy little epistle from "The Kindred" story director and resident dramaturg (yeah, that is a real word...look it up!)

I am proud to say you made quite a little splash with the judges on Saturday!

I am absolutely positive they have never seen blood spatter or entrails featured in drill before! The fact they stated how cool they thought it was is a bonus. If their reaction is a portent of things to come...well, I think we are in for a great showing this season.

So, CUDOS to all for coming so far so fast. You really have done a great job getting the show up and running...we were among the few corps that actually marched their whole drill on Saturday, which is amazing...but THERE IS MUCH WORK TO BE DONE!

Just as the Judge said to us...your 'Real Feel' practice pad has to been your BFF...it has to play itself...the sets must be as effortless as breathing...you need be able to run the drill in your head, backwards and forward until you can do it in your sleep...while riding on a crowded train....to Calcutta!

When you can do that...effortlessly play and march with precision...we will have the freedom to really nail the unique story elements of our show...

THEN we will be rocking and THAT my little minions is what will separate us from the pack!

So, BOTTOM LINE--this is not the time for lazybone slackers!

We got miles to go before we sleep...and that means some really good work lies ahead for us all...and that is work that doesn't only happen on at our rehearsals. It is work that can only be done by YOU...put down that Guitar Hero controller and spend a little time everyday making friends with your sticks until your part is smooth and clean.

If you are 'good', great, get better. If you need help, ask for it. When I am out gigging with my band or performing in a play, I know I can always get better no matter how good I am.... It's the right attitude for an artist to have...keeps ya humble AND constantly improving.

FINALLY Get to rehearsal on time and be ready to work at 110% for the whole session. Trust me, I'll invite you to dial back if you are working too hard.

Okay, maybe this message sounds like what is called "an Irish compliment"...a complement that lifts you up on one side and knocks you down on the other...but both sides in this case are important.

You did a great job on Saturday and all the days before that got us there...but there is much work to do...so, fasten your seatbelts, folks.

We are working to rock the show each time we do it from here on out!

Stay focused and dedicated to your craft and we will do great things.

Long Live The Kindred!

ms. patti finn

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