Saturday, January 31, 2009

First weekend!

Hey Folks ... thanks for making our first trip out really a pleasant time. Following directions and being responsible really will pay off for everyone in the long run. A great first performance ... I hope after seeing other schools you are starting to realize WHY the staff folks are so excited and determined to keep pushing this ensemble forward!

SO ..... We will practice Mondays until 9pm . I hope this allows you a break from school , time to do some homework (bring it with ya if you must!) and maybe even choke down some food at home. For us , hopefully we can spend 30 minutes or so moving equipment each way and still get 2 hours in a gym!

Again , thanks for a great Saturday .... see ya Monday night!

Next show .... Saturday February 14th at Franklin County HS (Rocky Mount , VA ... down by Smith Mountain Lake!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

All the games have been postponed for tomorrow. I am going to go ahead and say YES we are playing Wednesday night. We will meet at the same time 6pm in the ECG Band Room
.... If that is an issue let me know ASAP!

oh yeah... All the shirts are in , we will distribute during channel one the next day we are in school.

I love snowdays !
OK Folks ... game for tonight has already been postponed. We will decide later if we will play on the new date (when we find out!). Either way great practices yesterday and make sure you thank all those parents that have been helping us out so far ... we wouldn't be where we are without them!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Schedule for the next week or so :

Monday , 1/26 Battery Percussion (Snares, Tenors, Bass, Cymbals, & Annie)
@LMS from 3-5.

Pit Percussion
@ECG from 6-8

Tuesday , 1/27 BASKETBALL PERFORMANCE .... meet at ECG @6:00 pm
Varsity Boys starts at 7:00 we will play halftime.

Saturday , 1/31 POWHATTAN COMPETITION .... we will meet at ECG @ 8:00am
and return to ECG around 8:00 pm. Bring $ for lunch and dinner!

Monday , 2/2 Regular Practice @ECG from 6:00-8:30 pm.

Big Week Coming .... strap in!


Hey Folks.... Welcome to our own little Blogspot. Check here for updates in schedules and assorted other cool things from the world of percussion!